Being led is a skill.
A skill that can allow you to grow.
To go on novel adventures.
To learn new pieces about who you are.
More often than not, the fearful thinker-brain requires certainty.
It requires certainty to know about the destination.
To understand where you can be led.
Hence, long sales pages for hiring different types of experts.
Or the statements of exactly what you will get from different online courses.
Or a map, or rubric, or guide, of exactly what you will experience.
I ask you this...
If you look at the most meaningful and impactful experiences of your life, did you have certainty?
Did you know exactly what would happen?
Exactly what you would get from an experience?
What most likely happened is there was space.
Space for you to be.
To exist curiously.
To allow yourself to feel.
If this resonates, I wonder what is possible if you allowed yourself to be led into uncertainty more often.