Build Self-Awareness: The Seen World

Build Self-Awareness: The Seen World

Look around you.

You see something.

You see the technology you are engaging.

You see an environment of sorts. A space.

You see colors. 

You have learned to see the world you exist in.

What you see you have learned to give language to.

What you give language to you have learned to make meaning from.

The meaning your internal machine has created dictates the quality of your life. 


1. You see.

2. You make language.

3. You make meaning.

4. Said meaning dictates quality of your life.

Most people live in the land of sight.

When you do this, you focus on what you see.

You focus on how you describe what you see. 

In the world, in your work, in your relationships, in your family.

And you live there. 

Go a level deeper and you see your language.

You begin to change your language and you begin to change your world.

Because the world you see is the world you live in and you use language to describe what you see.

Go a level deeper and you see your meaning.

Changing your meaning causes you to change your language which affects how you describe what you see.

Go a level deeper and you get the quality of your life. 

When you see the layers, and when you change the layers, you have begun to learn how to change the quality of your life. 

To change your world, you must start by seeing your world differently.

Or you can get stuck in the world that has always been seen.

By Matthew Gallizzi. Consultant. Thinking Partner. Strategic Advisor. He believes our language creates our world. He equips business leaders as they live into their future vision.

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