Build Self-Awareness: What People Get From You

Build Self-Awareness: What People Get From You

People get something from you.

Whenever you are with others, you provide a payoff. 

This is often not examined until you see it clearly.

Are you funny? 

Are you caring?

Are you a good listener? 

Are you paying someone's salary?

Are you an expert in your field?

Are you a "good person"? 

Do you tell interesting stories?

How do you make someone feel?

Know your value and ask yourself if that is how you want to be seen. 

What value do you want someone to get from you?

What is aligned with your beliefs and values?

What stories do you want to be told about you?

The cynic's answer is: "I don't care."

But what if you did?

What if you knew what value you wanted others to get from you and you proactively planted those seeds? 

To do the opposite is to be reactive to your natural way of being.

When you know your way of being you are able to influence and exist accordingly. 

For example...

If you want to be seen as an expert, but you're not, how do you teach others you're anything other than an expert? 

Are you more of a "goofy funny person that takes nothing seriously" but you want to be seen as an expert? 

Do you want to be seen as a thought leader? How do you not act like a thought leader?

Do you want to be seen as someone who provides a certain product or service? 

How do you teach others this is who you are? 

Know the result people get from you.

Know your value.

Know the energy you bring.

And if that serves you, keep at it. 

If not, adjust who you are being to get you more of what you want.

By Matthew Gallizzi. Consultant. Thinking Partner. Strategic Advisor. He believes our language creates our world. He equips business leaders as they live into their future vision.

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