Build Self-Awareness: Your Unbalanced Force

Category: Insight
Build Self-Awareness: Your Unbalanced Force

Your unbalanced force.

What is it?

What is the force that unbalances you? 

Unbalances you to a greater version of who you are becoming.

Of who you can become.

Newton's first law states:

An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Again, I ask, what is your unbalanced force?

The force that unbalances you and helps you learn.

Learn a big life lesson.

Learn how to change to get what you want. 

Learn a new sight about an old narrative.

Does a thought have the power to change your motion? 

A person? 

A situation?



What intensity do you require for your unbalanced force?

For some, it is as simple as the ability to listen to someone who "has been there." 

For others, it is as intense as concluding that a life of hard drugs and escapism will not allow them to continue living. 

I have seen both scenarios. 

Again, I invite you to inquire within. What is your unbalanced force?

Does it need to be that way?

The child who didn't listen in their earliest years doesn't need to spend their remaining years living in such a way.

What unbalanced force serves you in how you want to learn?

When you know your unbalanced force, what can you do to introduce it into your life more often?

Or perhaps this simple awareness can change your unbalanced force.

If you did that, what might be possible for you?

Oh, the places you can go.

By Matthew Gallizzi. Consultant. Thinking Partner. Strategic Advisor. He believes our language creates our world. He equips business leaders as they live into their future vision.

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