The Daily Truth We Often Forget

The Daily Truth We Often Forget

This is the daily truth we often forget.

When we know this truth, we are strong.

Often, we forget it. It has the potential to serve us daily.

Every day, we often experience other people.

We say things to other people that we know how to say.

We act the way we know how to act.

The way we are being is a projection of our internal world.

When we see the way we are, we can begin to see how others are.

When we can see how others are, we can exist stronger because we realize what other humans do is reflective of them, not us.

We can only understand the projection of others when we can understand our own.

This is neither good nor bad. No judgment. It simply is.

We are powered by our body, beliefs, values, and habits.

Aware or unaware.

Proactive or reactive.

To get offended by someone else is to be powerless.

We treat others as well as we know how to treat ourselves.

We either strengthen or weaken those around us.

We are powerful when we proactively choose how we let others strengthen us.

By Matthew Gallizzi. Consultant. Thinking Partner. Strategic Advisor. He believes our language creates our world. He equips business leaders as they live into their future vision.

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