Your relationship with time.
It is telling.
It is telling about who you are and what you do.
To some, it is an indicator.
For you, what is your relationship with time?
Is it scarce?
Is it so scarce that you are a slave to it?
Do you always "not have time"?
Is it something you can waste? (Do you waste it?)
Is it abundant?
Is it plentiful?
Your relationship with time dictates how you live.
If "the clock is ticking" do you feel rushed, anxious, or like you're always on?
I wonder how that affects who you are and how you show up for the people in your life.
I wonder how that affects your health.
Your relationship with time dictates how you feel.
How would you feel if your relationship with time is that you don't have enough of it?
How would you feel if your relationship with time was enough?
Or maybe it is something else.
Maybe time is simply grounding.